Health Issues

Health Issues

Early Pregnancy Complications

Losing a pregnancy is unfortunately a very common event. About 20% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. The chance of this happening also increases with age, so at 40 years old the risk would be 50%. We don’t always know why this happens, but we assume it is usually something with the development of the baby. Even if we would check for all the potential causes that we can test for these days, most of the times we don’t find a cause. Couples should not feel guilty about doing anything wrong, as this is most often not the case. However, it is still an event that couples can have difficulty dealing with. Help is available, so do not hesitate to ask for it. Usually having one miscarriage does not mean that you have an increased chance of having another miscarriage.

When you are diagnosed with a miscarriage (either because you have been bleeding or as a finding on an ultrasound), you have the option of waiting for a spontaneous miscarriage, having surgery or taking tablets to bring on the miscarriage. All options have their advantages and disadvantages. The advantage of having a spontaneous miscarriage is that you avoid an anaesthetic and the complications of surgery. The disadvantage is that we cannot predict when it is going to happen (can be days, weeks or even months) and you will experience at least some pain and bleeding. Sometimes you even end up having the surgery anyway (because of excessive bleeding or retained products). The advantage of surgery (Dilatation and Curettage) is that it can be a planned procedure and then you can go back to your usual cycle afterwards.

Both after a spontaneous miscarriage and after surgery you can expect bleeding, usually less than 3 weeks, but sometimes up to 6 weeks. Having the complication of an infection is also common and if you are concerned about the amount of bleeding, abdominal pains, fevers or smelly discharge please contact the rooms. Occasionally you can have some retained products and end up with a repeat surgical procedure.

When you are both emotionally and physically ready you can try for another pregnancy. A useful link would be:


Endometriosis is the condition where tissue that is normally located inside the womb, is now found outside the womb. The tissue can be anywhere throughout the pelvis and is present in about 7-8% of the female population. The usual symptoms are pelvic pains and pain during intercourse mainly around the time of your period. We do not really understand the cause of this condition, but we do know it is associated with reduced chances of fertility. The only way to diagnose this condition is through keyhole surgery. There are medical and surgical options for the management of endometriosis and these can be discussed. Treatment for endometriosis needs to be individualised, as different treatments can have different effects on everyone.

More information can be found on:

COVID-19 updates

Dr Renee Verkuijl sees many pregnant and elderly patients. These patients are extremely vulnerable to viruses such as COVID, influenza and the common cold.

For the safety of all our patients and staff, we humbly request that:

1. All patients and carers who have returned from overseas or from NSW, Victoria, Brisbane or Ipswich areas in the last 3 weeks must notify us by phone and not come in to our clinic.

2. Any patient, carer or sibling with a fever, NEW cough, NEW runny nose or cold-like symptoms (even if mild) should telephone Dr Renee Verkuijl's rooms and reschedule their appointment. We thank you on behalf of our vulnerable patients for this and will endeavour to reschedule your appointment as soon as you have recovered. If and where possible, an appointment over the phone may be organised.

3. Please use good hand hygiene and cough etiquette for yourself and those attending the appointment with you.

4. We ask that only yourself and one other support person and/or child attend your appointment.

Thank you for all of your assistance during this time.